PT Symmetric Photonic Heterostructures

with Prof Anshuman Kumar, IITB

I studied a generalization of hermitian hamiltonian’s, specifically PT symmetric Hamiltonian’s in optics, and the resulting S matrices, transfer Matrices, and the generalized unitarity relations specifying the conservation relations between transmittance and left/right reflectances. I then reproduced plots of trivial and non trivial Anisotropic Transmission Resonances using Abeles Matrix Formalism, PT symmetry breaking transitions, phase transition boundaries, and uniqueness of the scattering matrix using python, and studied the application of such heterostructures in CPA laser points, unidirectional invisibility, and others.

The report can be found at Our final Python notebook.

Data Analysis of Event Characteristics in p-p collisions

with Prof. Sadhana Dash, IITB

I analyzed the data generated by the Pythia 8 Monte Carlo event generator for the interactions of protons in 2 million proton-proton collisions at 13TeV using ROOT, an object-oriented program developed by CERN. In addition, I reproduced the plots for the normalized frequencies of the relative angle between the particles and the lead particle, the scaled densities of the emitted charged particles as a function of lead momentum, and the density of the scalar sum over the momenta of particles as a function of lead momentum in the toward, away and transverse regions for various multiplicity classes.

The report can be found here.

Smart Heart Monitor using Photoplethysmography (PPG)

with Prof. Varun Bhalerao, IITB

Designed a Smart Heart Monitor to read the PPG waveform and display the live SpO2 and heart rate readings with an alert system to indicate abnormal values and achieved a Heart rate of within 2 BPM and SpO2 within 1 unit when compared with a store-bought oximeter. Built a Signal Conditioning Unit to amplify and filter the weak signals through an Op-Amp-based analog circuit. Used a peak detection algorithm in the Arduino to give the heart rate and a moving average to calculate the AC and DC components of the 2 signals for calculating the SpO2.

The presentation can be found here.

Fractals in Nature

with Prof. Amitabha Nandi, IITB

Studied in detail theoretical continuum models of formation of snowflakes, and the numerical results and conclusions from a simpler model by taking into account diffusion, anisotropic attachment kinetics, freezing and melting used to generate realistic snowflakes and studied the effect of these on their morphology.

The report is given here